Laura G
2 min readSep 12, 2019

Conversations with God: Sacrifices

By Laura G

Why are we induce to think that we need to make sacrifies and suffer in order to please God? Is that really necessary?

I want mercy, and not sacrifice (Matthew 9:13).

The supreme energy we know as God is mercy and does not ask us for sacrifices or sufferings. However, we have been led by the idea that life is an eternal regret, an ordeal, that the most we suffer, the greater will be the reward.

And that is far from reality.

God, in its infinite mercy, in its unconditional love does not want us to suffer, nor to make sacrifices to please, because God loves us as we are, as our creator it does not reject its children, nor does it want to see us suffering.

We have been conditioned to think that the more struggle, the more benefits but that’s not true. Life is not constant climbing, a constant hustle.

Life is a wonderful experience, a chance for you to upgrade your soul, to go beyond fear, guilt, anger, hate, to acknowledge that you are here as a spirit to have a human experience. So be human!

And God wants you to be happy, to be human, to enjoy, to take advantage of your capacity as a spirit in a human body to love unconditionally, to have compassion for everything and everyone in this world, to live a life of charity.

Love, laugh, make decisions that turn into lessons and stop seeing them as a mistake, those decisions are part of your growing process, don’t regret your path because God is not judging you, God understand everything beyond human and rational reason.

You don’t have to sacrifice anything to please God, because God wants you to be prosperous, abundant, happy, loved, fulfilled, healthy, wealthy.

God wants you to have the best human experience possible

But if you keep having that lacking mindset, living in that place of guilt and sorrow, as much as God wants to help you, you are not helping yourself to see the best of life. God gives you what you, with your thoughts, feelings and actions, ask.

Your mouth can say a lot of things but it’s your energy that communicates with the Supreme Energy.

God is already pleased by you, because you are it’s creation. You don’t need to sacrifice and suffer to please God, because God pleases in your happiness, in your joy, in your awe for loving, for living and for embracing this life to it’s fullest.

Laura G

Medium. Counselor. Author of “You Are Not Alone” published with Hay House. @lauragmedium